1 /******************************************************************************
2 *
3 * Copyright (C) 2004-2006, The Gentee Group. All rights reserved.
4 * This file is part of the Gentee open source project.
5 *
6 *
10 *
11 * ID: htmlfromcode 31.10.06
12 *
13 * Author: Aleksandr Antypenko ( santy )
14 *
15 * Summary: Function converting from gentee code to the html
16 *
17 ******************************************************************************/
19 define
20 {
21 DOCTYPE = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Final//EN\">"
22 REST = "<body>\n<!-- Generated with ge2html by Alex Antypenko -->\n<code>\n<pre>\n"
23 HEADER = "\$DOCTYPE$ <html>\n \$REST"
24 CSS_FILE = ".comment {color:#cc9999;}\n .keyword {color:#000000;font-weight: bold;}\n .builtin {color:#006600;font-weight: bold;}\n .string {color:#00A033;}\n .syschar {color:#993333;}\n .operchar {color:#330033;}\n .bracket3 {color:#0000FF;}\n .numlines {color:#000000;}\n .number {color:#009999;}\n .type {color:#0000FF;}"
25 HEADER_CSS = "\$DOCTYPE$\n<html>\n<head>\n<style>\n<!-- \n \$CSS_FILE$ \n-->\n</style>\n</head>\n\$REST$"
26 HEADER_CSS_FILE = "\$DOCTYPE$\n<html>\n<head>\n<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"genteecode.css\">\n</head>\n\$REST$"
27 FOOTER = "\n</pre>\n</code>\n</body>\n</html>"
28 END_TAGS = "</font>"
29 END_TAGS_CSS = "</span>"
31 }
33 include
34 {
35 $"..\..\lib\lex\lex.g"
36 "lexfgentee.g"
37 }
39 global
40 {
41 arr tags of str = %{
42 "", // normal
43 "<font color=\"#cc9999\">", // comment
44 "<font color=\"#000000\">", // keyword
45 "<font color=\"#006600\">", // builtin #FF00FF - ping
46 "<font color=\"#00A033\">", // string
47 "<font color=\"#993333\">", // syschar
48 "<font color=\"#330033\">", // operchar
49 "<font color=\"#0000FF\">", // bracket #3
50 "<font color=\"#000000\">", // numLines
51 "<font color=\"#009999\">", // Number
52 "<font color=\"#00ccff\">" // type
53 }
54 arr tags_css of str = %{
55 "", // normal, nothing needed
56 "<span class=comment>", // comment
57 "<span class=keyword>", // keyword
58 "<span class=builtin>", // builtin
59 "<span class=string>", // string
60 "<span class=syschar>", // syschar
61 "<span class=operchar>", // bracket #2
62 "<span class=bracket3>", // bracket #3
63 "<span class=numlines>", // numLines
64 "<span class=number>", // number
65 "<span class=type>" // type
66 }
67 }
69 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
70 *
71 * ID: num2str 31.10.06 <version>
72 *
73 * Summary: Convert number lines to the string type
74 *
75 * Parameters:
76 * uint number - number of lines
77 *
78 * Return :
79 * str - converted string
80 *
81 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
82 func str num2str < result >( uint number )
83 {
84 str tmpStr ;
85 int2str( tmpStr, "%d", number ) ;
86 result = tmpStr.fillspacer( 5 ) ;
87 }
88 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
89 *
90 * ID: detag 31.10.06 <version>
91 *
92 * Summary: Change "<" or ">" symbols on "<" ;">","
93 *
94 * Parameters:
95 * str stringInfo - string for converting
96 *
97 * Return :
98 * str - converted string
99 *
100 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
101 func str detag < result >( str stringInfo )
102 {
103 str strResult
104 uint i
105 for i = 0, i <= *stringInfo-1, ++i
106 {
107 str strTmp
108 if( stringInfo [ i ] == 0x3C ) : strResult += "<"
109 elif( stringInfo [ i ] == 0x3E ) : strResult += ">"
110 elif (stringInfo [ i ] == 0x22) : strResult += """
111 else
112 {
113 strResult += char2str(strTmp,stringInfo [ i ])
114 strTmp.clear()
115 }
116 }
117 result = strResult
118 }
120 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
121 * ID: htmlcodegentee 31.10.06 <version>
122 *
123 * Summary: Convert gentee code to the html
125 * Function formatfile -
126 *
127 * Parameters:
128 * str namefile - name of input file
129 * str OutToFile - buffer for converting html code
130 *
131 * Return :
132 * 1 - converting buffer
133 *
134 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
135 func int htmlcodegentee( str namefile, str outToFile )
136 {
137 str inBuffer, strOutFile, strLine, stemp
138 arrout outArr
139 uint lex, off, i
140 uint igt // The current gtitem
141 uint startPos, sMainValue, countMult = 0
142 byte bNewLine = 1, inBlock = 0, bDot = 0, bDugky = 0
143 uint countLines = 1 ;
145 outArr.isize = sizeof( lexitem )
146 if !( fileexist( namefile ) )
147 {
148 print( "File not found \n" )
149 return 0 ;
150 }
151 namefile )
152 lex = lex_init( 0, lexfgentee.ptr( ) )
153 gentee_lex( inBuffer -> buf, lex, outArr )
154 //print("------------------------ddd--\n")
155 //
156 off = )
157 str stemp1
158 fornum i = 0, * outArr
159 {
160 uint li
162 li as off -> lexitem
164 stemp1.clear( )
166 //print( "type=\( hex2stru( "", li.ltype ) ) pos = \( li.pos ) len=\( li.len ) \( hex2stru( "", li.value ) ) \n" )
167 if( li.ltype == $FG_NAME )
168 {
169 uint uKod
170 if( li.value == $KEY_INCLUDE || li.value == $KEY_FUNC || li.value == $KEY_GLOBAL
171 || li.value == $KEY_DEFINE || li.value == $KEY_IMPORT || li.value == $KEY_METHOD
172 || li.value == $KEY_OPERATOR || li.value == $KEY_TYPE || li.value == $KEY_IFDEF
173 || li.value == $KEY_EXTERN)
174 {
175 startPos = * strLine
176 sMainValue = li.value
177 bNewLine = 0
178 strLine.fillspacer( startPos )
179 strLine += tags_css [ 8 ] + num2str( countLines ) + $END_TAGS_CSS + "" + tags_css [ 2 ] +stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len ) + $END_TAGS_CSS
180 }
181 elif ( li.value == $KEY_ARR || li.value == $KEY_BUF || li.value == $KEY_BYTE || li.value == $KEY_DOUBLE ||
182 li.value == $KEY_FLOAT || li.value == $KEY_HASH || li.value == $KEY_INT || li.value == $KEY_LONG ||
183 li.value == $KEY_SHORT || li.value == $KEY_STR || li.value == $KEY_UBYTE || li.value == $KEY_UINT ||
184 li.value == $KEY_ULONG || li.value == $KEY_USHORT )
185 {
186 uKod = 10
187 if( bNewLine ) : strLine += tags_css [ 8 ] + num2str( countLines ) + $END_TAGS_CSS + tags_css [ uKod ] + stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len ) + $END_TAGS_CSS ; bNewLine = 0
188 else : strLine += tags_css [ uKod ] + stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len ) + $END_TAGS_CSS
189 }
190 elif ( li.value == $KEY_AS || li.value == $KEY_BREAK || li.value == $KEY_CASE || li.value == $KEY_CONTINUE ||
191 li.value == $KEY_DEFAULT || li.value == $KEY_DO || li.value == $KEY_ELIF || li.value == $KEY_ELSE ||
192 li.value == $KEY_FOR || li.value == $KEY_FOREACH || li.value == $KEY_GOTO || li.value == $KEY_IF ||
193 li.value == $KEY_LABEL || li.value == $KEY_OF || li.value == $KEY_RETURN || li.value == $KEY_SWITCH ||
194 li.value == $KEY_SUBFUNC || li.value == $KEY_WHILE || li.value == $KEY_FORNUM)
195 {
196 uKod = 3
197 if( bNewLine ) : strLine += tags_css [ 8 ] + num2str( countLines ) + $END_TAGS_CSS + tags_css [ uKod ] + stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len ) + $END_TAGS_CSS ; bNewLine = 0
198 else : strLine += tags_css [ uKod ] + "<B>"+stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len ) + "</B>"+$END_TAGS_CSS
199 }
200 else
201 {
202 if( bNewLine ) : strLine += tags_css [ 8 ] + num2str( countLines ) + $END_TAGS_CSS + stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len ); bNewLine = 0
203 else : strLine += stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len )
204 }
205 }
206 elif( li.ltype == $FG_STRING || li.ltype == $FG_MACROSTR )
207 {
208 if( bNewLine ) : strLine += tags_css [ 8 ] + num2str( countLines ) + $END_TAGS_CSS + tags_css [ 4 ] + detag( stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len ) ) + $END_TAGS_CSS ; bNewLine = 0
209 else : strLine += tags_css [ 4 ] + detag( stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len ) ) + $END_TAGS_CSS
210 }
211 elif( li.ltype == $FG_BINARY)
212 {
213 if( bNewLine ) : strLine += tags_css [ 8 ] + num2str( countLines ) + $END_TAGS_CSS + tags_css [ 7 ] + stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len ) + $END_TAGS_CSS ; bNewLine = 0
214 else : strLine += tags_css [ 7 ] + stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len ) + $END_TAGS_CSS
215 }
216 elif( li.ltype == $FG_COMMENT )
217 {
218 //strLine += stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len )
219 str commentBuf = stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len )
220 arr commentArr of str ;
221 commentBuf.lines( commentArr, 0 )
222 //uint cur
223 foreach cur, commentArr
224 {
225 strLine += tags_css [ 8 ] + num2str( countLines ++ ) + $END_TAGS_CSS + tags_css [ 1 ] + cur + $END_TAGS_CSS
226 }
227 strLine += "\n"
228 //if (bNewLine) : bNewLine=0
229 }
230 elif( li.ltype == $FG_LINECOMMENT )
231 {
232 if( bNewLine )
233 {
234 strLine += tags_css [ 8 ] + num2str( countLines ) + $END_TAGS_CSS + tags_css [ 1 ] + stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len ) + $END_TAGS_CSS
235 bNewLine = 0
236 }
237 else : strLine += tags_css [ 1 ] + stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len ) + $END_TAGS_CSS
238 }
239 elif( li.ltype == $FG_SPACE || li.ltype == $FG_TAB )
240 {
241 //off += sizeof( lexitem )
242 if( bNewLine )
243 {
244 strLine += tags_css [ 8 ] + num2str( countLines ) + $END_TAGS_CSS + "" + stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len )
245 bNewLine = 0
246 }
247 else : strLine += stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len )
248 //continue
249 }
250 elif( li.ltype == $FG_NUMBER || li.ltype == $FG_MACRO )
251 {
252 if( bNewLine )
253 {
254 bNewLine = 0
255 strLine += tags_css [ 8 ] + num2str( countLines ) + $END_TAGS_CSS + tags_css [ 9 ] + stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len ) + $END_TAGS_CSS
256 }
257 else : strLine += tags_css [ 9 ] + stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len ) + $END_TAGS_CSS
258 }
259 elif( li.ltype == $FG_OPERCHAR )
260 {
261 if( bNewLine )
262 {
263 strLine += tags_css [ 8 ] + num2str( countLines ) + $END_TAGS_CSS + tags_css [ 6 ] + stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len ) + $END_TAGS_CSS
264 bNewLine = 0
265 }
266 else : strLine += tags_css [ 5 ] + stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len ) + $END_TAGS_CSS
267 }
268 elif( li.ltype == $FG_UNKNOWN )
269 {
270 if( bNewLine ) : strLine += tags_css [ 8 ] + num2str( countLines ) + $END_TAGS_CSS + stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len );bNewLine=0
271 else : strLine += stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len )
272 }
273 elif( li.ltype == $FG_SYSCHAR )
274 {
275 str cTmp = ""
276 if( li.value == 0x29 ) : cTmp = ""
277 if( bNewLine ) : strLine += tags_css [ 8 ] + num2str( countLines ) + $END_TAGS_CSS + tags_css [ 5 ] + stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len ) + $END_TAGS_CSS ; bNewLine = 0
278 else : strLine += cTmp + tags_css [ 5 ] + stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len ) + $END_TAGS_CSS
279 }
280 elif( li.ltype == $FG_LINE )
281 {
282 //strLine += stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len )
283 if( bNewLine ) : strLine += tags_css [ 8 ] + num2str( countLines ) + $END_TAGS_CSS + "" + stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len )
284 else : strLine += stemp.substr( inBuffer, li.pos, li.len )
286 strOutFile += strLine
287 //print(strLine+"----111111 \n")
288 bNewLine = 1
289 countLines ++ ;
290 strLine.clear( )
291 }
292 stemp.clear( )
293 off += sizeof( lexitem )
294 }
295 outToFile = strOutFile
296 lex_delete( lex )
297 return 1
298 }
301 func uint process_file( str namefile )
302 {
303 uint loadFile, writeFile
304 str strtoFile, outData, snewfile
306 strtoFile += $HEADER_CSS
307 if( ! htmlcodegentee( namefile, outData ) ) : return 0 ;
308 strtoFile += outData + $FOOTER
309 snewfile.fsetext( namefile, "html" )
310 if !( writeFile = open( snewfile, $OP_CREATE ) ) : return 0
311 strtoFile.write( writeFile )
312 close( writeFile )
313 return 1
314 }