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Инсталлятор CreateInstall
Бесплатные и коммерческие инсталляторы

  1 #output = %EXEPATH%\gentee-x.exe
  2 #norun = 1
  3 #exe = 1 d g
  4 #optimizer = 1
  5 #include = clear
  6 #wait = 3
  7 #res = ..\..\res\exe\version.res
  8 /******************************************************************************
  9 *
 10 * Copyright (C) 2008, The Gentee Group. All rights reserved. 
 11 * This file is part of the Gentee open source project - http://www.gentee.com. 
 12 * 
 16 *
 17 * Author: Alexey Krivonogov ( gentee )
 18 *
 19 ******************************************************************************/
 21 // При смене команд надо делать exe.exe -> gentee.exe и запускать так
 22 //..\..\exe\gentee.exe gentee.g -xd gentee.g
 24 include
 25 {
 26    $"..\..\lib\stdlib\stdlib.g" 
 27    $"..\..\lib\compiler\compiler.g" 
 28    $"..\..\lib\linker\linker.g" 
 29    $"..\..\lib\ini\ini.g" 
 30 }
 32 global
 33 {
 34    str  head = "Gentee Programming Language v3.6.1
 35 Freeware open source compiler & the run-time engine
 36 Copyright (C) 2004-09 The Gentee Group. All rights reserved.
 37 Internet: http://www.gentee.com  Email: info@gentee.com\l\l"
 39 }
 41 global
 42 {
 43    arrstr errtext = %{
 44       "Cannot create/open file %s.",
 45       "%s is not a launcher.",
 46       "Cannot write %s file.",
 47       "Cannot write the temporary resource file %s.",
 48       "Cannot add the resource file %s.",
 49       "Cannot copy %s",
 50       "Cannot read %s",
 51       "Cannot create the .gentee section.",
 52       "Cannot add the XP manifest."
 53    }
 54 }
 56 func linkerror( uint code, str param )
 57 {
 58    str out
 60    if ¶m : out.printf( errtext[ code ], %{ param } )
 61    else : out = errtext[ code ]
 62    print( "Linker error: \(out)\nPress any key..." )
 63    getch()
 64    exit( 0 )
 65 }
 67 func  macroreplace( gcompileinfo gcinfo )
 68 {
 69    arrstr  amacro = %{ "%GNAME%", "%GPATH%", "%EXEPATH%" }
 70    arrstr  mpath[3]
 71    str     stemp
 73    getmodulepath( mpath[2], "" )
 74    gcinfo.input.fgetparts( mpath[1], mpath[0], 0->str )
 76    gcinfo.includes.replace( amacro, mpath, $QS_IGNCASE )
 77    gcinfo.libs.replace( amacro, mpath, $QS_IGNCASE )
 78    gcinfo.defargs.replace( amacro, mpath, $QS_IGNCASE )
 79    gcinfo.args.replace( amacro, mpath, $QS_IGNCASE )
 80    gcinfo.output.replace( amacro, mpath, $QS_IGNCASE )
 81 }
 83 func uint wrongpar( str filename option )
 84 {
 85    print( head )
 86    print( "Please specify \(filename) after '\(option)' option.\l
 87 gentee.exe [<switches>] \(option) <\(filename)> <source file>\n" )
 88    getch()
 89    return 0
 90 }
 92 func uint main<main>
 93 {
 94    gcompileinfo gcinfo
 95    uint next flag wait exe run i 
 96    ini  pini
 97    linker plinker 
 98    str  profile stemp ininame tempdir
100    subfunc uint getprofile( str name, uint ptrval, uint flag )
101    {
102       str  val
104       if flag < 0xFFF0
105       {
106          pini.getvalue( profile, name, val, ?( ptrval->uint & flag, "1", "0" )) 
107          if  val[0] == '1' : ptrval->uint |= flag
108          else : ptrval->uint &= ~flag
109       }
110       elif flag == 0xFFF0  // string value
111       {
112          pini.getvalue( profile, name, val, ptrval->str )
113          ptrval->str = val
114       }
115       elif flag == 0xFFF1 
116       {
117          uint i
118          str  skey = name
120          while 1 
121          {
122             pini.getvalue( profile, skey, val, "" )
123             if !*val : break
124             ptrval->arrstr += val
125             skey = "\(name)\(++i)"
126          } 
127       }
128       elif flag == 0xFFF2 
129       {
130          arrstr apar 
131          uint i clt k
133          pini.getvalue( profile, name, val, "" )
134          if !uint( val ) : return 0
135          val.split( apar, ' ', $SPLIT_NOSYS )
136          clt as ptrval->collection
138          fornum i = 1, *apar
139          {  
140             fornum k = 0, *clt / 3
141             {
142                if clt[k*3]->str %== apar[i]
143                {
144                   clt[ k*3 + 1 ]->uint |= clt[ k*3 + 2 ]
145                   break 
146                }
147             }          
148          } 
149          if *apar == 1 && !*( clt[*clt - 3]->str )
150          {
151             clt[ *clt - 2 ]->uint |= clt[ *clt - 1 ]
152          }  
153          return 1
154       }
155       elif flag == 0xFFF3 
156       {
157          pini.getvalue( profile, name, val, "0" ) 
158          ptrval->uint = uint( val ) 
159       }
160       return 0
161    }
163    subfunc loadprofile( str data )
164    {
165       if *data
166       {
167          pini.data = data
168          pini.data.lines( pini.lines, 1, pini.offset )
169       }
170       else
171       {  
172          getmodulename( ininame ).fsetext("ini")
173          pini.read( ininame )
174       }
176       // Load options from profile
177       getprofile( "silent", &flag, $G_SILENT )
178       getprofile( "charoem", &flag, $G_CHARPRN )
179       getprofile( "gefile", &gcinfo.flag, $CMPL_GE )
180       getprofile( "norun", &gcinfo.flag, $CMPL_NORUN )
181       getprofile( "debug", &gcinfo.flag, $CMPL_DEBUG )
182       getprofile( "asm", &gcinfo.flag, $CMPL_ASM )
183       getprofile( "numsign", &gcinfo.flag, $CMPL_LINE )
184       getprofile( "output", &gcinfo.output, 0xFFF0 )
185       getprofile( "wait", &wait, 0xFFF3 );
186       exe = getprofile( "exe", &%{ "g", &plinker.flag, $LINK_GUI,
187                         "d", &plinker.flag, $LINK_DLL,
188                         "a", &plinker.flag, $LINK_ASM,
189                         "p", &plinker.flag, $LINK_PACK,
190                         "r", &plinker.flag, $LINK_ASMRT,
191                         "t", &plinker.flag, $RES_ACCESS,
192                         "n", &plinker.flag, $RES_ADMIN }, 0xFFF2 );
193       if getprofile( "optimizer", &%{ "d", &gcinfo.optiflag, $OPTI_DEFINE,
194                               "n", &gcinfo.optiflag, $OPTI_NAME,
195                               "u", &gcinfo.optiflag, $OPTI_AVOID,
196                "", &gcinfo.optiflag, $OPTI_DEFINE | $OPTI_NAME | $OPTI_AVOID 
197                                }, 0xFFF2 )
198       {                        
199          gcinfo.flag |= $CMPL_OPTIMIZE   
200       }                  
201       getprofile( "icon", &plinker.icons, 0xFFF1 );
202       getprofile( "res", &plinker.res, 0xFFF1 );
203       getprofile( "define", &gcinfo.defargs, 0xFFF1 );
204       getprofile( "libdir", &gcinfo.includes, 0xFFF1 );
205       getprofile( "include", &gcinfo.libs, 0xFFF1 );
206       getprofile( "args", &gcinfo.args, 0xFFF1 );      
207    }
208    subfunc addargs( str out )
209    {
210       foreach cura, gcinfo.args
211       {
212          if cura.findch(' ') < *cura : out += " \"\(cura)\""
213          else : out += " \(cura)"
214       }   
215    }   
216    if !argc()
217    {
218       print( head )
219       print( "How to compile:
220 gentee.exe [<switches>] <source .g or .ge file> [command line arguments]
222 <switches>
223    -a - Convert bytecode to assembler
224    -c - Compiling only. Do not run the program after compiling
225    -m <define macros>- Define macros for compiling
226        Example: -m \"MODE=1;NAME=\\\"My Company, Inc\\\"\"
227    -f - Create GE file.
228    -n - Ignore the command line #!...
229    -o <output file> - Output GE or EXE filename (not default) will be specified.
230    -p <profile name> - Use the profile from gentee.ini file.
231    -s - Do not display any messages during the compiling or the executing
232    -t - Convert print strings to OEM-defined character set
233    -d - Include debug information
234    -w - Wait for pressing key at the end.
235    -z[d][n][u] - Optimize a byte-code ( -f or -x compatible )
236       -zd - Delete defines.
237       -zn - Delete names.
238       -zu - Delete no used objects.
239       -z equals -zdnu. Combine -zd, -zn and -zu  
240    -x[d][g][a][r][p] - Create executable EXE file.
241       -xd - Dynamic usage of gentee.dll.
242       -xg - Make a gui application. 
243             In default a console application is created.
244       -xa - Compile a bytecode to assembler.
245       -xr - Run-time converting a bytecode to assembler.
246       -xp - Compress a byte-code & dll.
247       Example: -xdg - Combine -xd and -xg
248    -i <icon file> - Link .ico file ( -x compatible ).
249                     -i \"c:\\data\\myicon.ico\"
250    -r <res file> - Link .res file ( -x compatible ). 
251                     -r \"c:\\data\\myres.res\"  
252    Examples
253       gentee.exe -x -i \"c:\\myfile.ico\" -w myfile.g
255 Press any key...")
256       getch()
257       return 0
258    }   
259    gcinfo.flag |= $CMPL_LINE | $CMPL_THREAD
261    fornum next, argc()
262    {
263       str sarg
265       argv( stemp, next + 1 )
266       if stemp[0] != '-' : break;
268       switch stemp[ 1 ] 
269       {
270          case 'a','A' : gcinfo.flag |= $CMPL_ASM
271          case 'c','C' : gcinfo.flag |= $CMPL_NORUN
272          case 'n','N' : gcinfo.flag &= ~$CMPL_LINE
273          case 'm','M' 
274          {
275             argv( sarg, ++next + 1 )
276             if !*sarg || sarg[0] == '-' : return wrongpar( "macros", "-m" )
277             gcinfo.defargs += sarg;
278          }
279          case 'f','F': gcinfo.flag |= $CMPL_GE
280          case 'o','O'
281          {
282             argv( sarg, ++next + 1 )
283             if !*sarg || sarg[0] == '-' : return wrongpar( "output file", "-o" )
284             gcinfo.output = sarg
285             gcinfo.flag |= $CMPL_GE
286          }
287          case 's','S': flag |= $G_SILENT
288          case 't','T': flag |= $G_CHARPRN
289          case 'd','D': gcinfo.flag |= $CMPL_DEBUG
290          case 'p','P'
291          {
292             argv( sarg, ++next + 1 )
293             if !*sarg || sarg[0] == '-'
294             { 
295                return wrongpar( "profile name", "-p" )
296             }
297             profile = sarg
298             loadprofile( "" )
299          }
300          case 'w','W': wait = 1
301          case 'x','X'
302          {
303             exe = 1
304             i = 2
305             stemp.lower()
306             while stemp[ i ]
307             {
308                switch stemp[i]
309                {
310                   case 'g' : plinker.flag |= $LINK_GUI 
311                   case 'd' : plinker.flag |= $LINK_DLL
312                   case 'a' : plinker.flag |= $LINK_ASM 
313                   case 'r' : plinker.flag |= $LINK_ASMRT
314                   case 'p' : plinker.flag |= $LINK_PACK 
315                }   
316                i++
317             } 
318          }
319          case 'i','I'
320          {
321             argv( sarg, ++next + 1 )
322             if !*sarg || sarg[0] == '-' : return wrongpar( "icon file", "-i" )
323             plinker.icons += "ICON_APP, \(sarg)"
324          }
325          case 'r','R'
326          {
327             argv( sarg, ++next + 1 )
328             if !*sarg || sarg[0] == '-'
329             { 
330                return wrongpar( "resource file", "-r" )
331             }
332             plinker.res += sarg
333          }
334          case 'z','Z'
335          {
336             i = 2
337             stemp.lower()
338             if !stemp[2]
339             { 
340                gcinfo.optiflag = $OPTI_DEFINE | $OPTI_NAME | $OPTI_AVOID
341             } 
342             else
343             {
344                while stemp[ i ]
345                {  
346                   if stemp[i] == 'd' : gcinfo.optiflag |= $OPTI_DEFINE
347                   elif stemp[i] == 'n' : gcinfo.optiflag |= $OPTI_NAME 
348                   elif stemp[i] == 'u' : gcinfo.optiflag |= $OPTI_AVOID 
349                   i++
350                }
351             }
352             gcinfo.flag |= $CMPL_OPTIMIZE   
353          }
354       }
355    }
356    gentee_set( $GSET_FLAG, flag )
357    if next == argc()
358    {
359       print( head )
360       print( "Please specify a source filename.\l
361 gentee.exe [<switches>] <source file>")
362       getch()
363       return 0
364    }
365    argv( gcinfo.input, ++next )
366    while next++ < argc()
367    {
368       argv( stemp, next )
369       gcinfo.args += stemp
370    }
371    addargs( stemp.clear() )
372    if gcinfo.flag & $CMPL_LINE && gcinfo.input.fgetext() %!= "ge" 
373    {
374       arrstr  alines
375       alines.read( gcinfo.input )
377       if *alines
378       {
379          if "#!".eqlen( alines[0] ) && !uint( getenv( "GNUMSIGN", "" )) 
380          {
381             getmodulepath( tempdir, 0->str )
382             stemp.copy( alines[0].ptr() + 2 )
383             stemp.replace( "%1", gcinfo.input, 0 )
384             addargs( stemp ) 
385             setenv( "GNUMSIGN", "1" )
386 //            tempdir.fgetdir( gcinfo.input )
387             process( stemp, 0->str, 0 ) // tempdir
388             return 0
389          }
390          // Read file for getting # options
391          if alines[0][0] == '#' && alines[0][1] != '!'
392          {
393             profile = "gentee"
394             stemp = "[gentee]\l"
395             i = 0
396             while alines[i][0] == '#'
397             {
398                stemp.append( alines[i].ptr() + 1, *alines[i] - 1 )
399                stemp += "\l"
400                i++
401             } 
402             loadprofile( stemp )
403          } 
404       }
405    }
406    // Replace macro values
408    macroreplace( gcinfo )
409    if !( flag & $G_SILENT ) : print( head )
410    if exe
411    {
412       if !( gcinfo.flag & $CMPL_NORUN )
413       {
414          run = 1
415          gcinfo.flag |= $CMPL_NORUN
416       }
417       gcinfo.flag |= $CMPL_GE
418       if !*gcinfo.output :  gcinfo.output = gcinfo.input
420       gcinfo.output.fsetext( "ge" )
421    }
422    if *gcinfo.libs && gcinfo.libs[ *gcinfo.libs - 1 ] %== "clear"
423    {
424       gcinfo.libs.clear()
425    }      
426    compile_file( gcinfo )
427    if exe
428    {
429       with plinker
430       {
431          .errfunc = &linkerror
432          .input = gcinfo.output
433          (.output = .input ).fsetext("exe")
434          if flag & $G_CHARPRN : .flag |= $LINK_CHAR
435          if gcinfo.flag & $CMPL_ASM : .flag |= $LINK_ASM 
436       }  
437       if plinker.create() && !( flag & $G_SILENT )
438       {
439          print( "Executable file \( plinker.output ) - created...\n" )
440       }
441       deletefile( gcinfo.output )
442    }
444    if wait == 1 : congetch("\nPress any key...\n")
445    elif wait > 1 : Sleep( wait * 1000 )
446    if run
447    { 
448       stemp = "\"\(plinker.output)\""
449       addargs( stemp )   
450       tempdir.fgetdir( plinker.output )
451       process( stemp, tempdir, 0 )
452    }
454    return 0
455 }